Schedule and Calendar

Why Trimesters?
In the HATCH trimester model, students take up to 5 classes each term. After the 9th grade, students typically study each subject for 2 out of the 3 trimesters.
Trimesters also align with athletics seasons, allowing team membership to be an option for fulfilling PE credits.
This type of trimester model supports deeper investment in fewer classes at a time, with students having to juggle fewer obligations.
Every school year starts with a Grade Level Institute, an immersive course which introduces annual interdisciplinary themes of study.
Summer Term
The Hatch School plans to offer optional classes in the summer. Classes taken in the summer term count as part of the following academic year.
The annual tuition at HATCH includes up to 15 courses, regardless of how those courses are distributed among terms. Students may choose to take fewer courses during the school year and take summer courses instead.
Having the option of summer study gives students more choices about how to pace their learning in a way that best suits their own individual learning profile.
Summer study can also benefit students who have significant obligations to work, family, or extracurriculars in the school year.

Students take up to four courses each term in blocks A-D. These classes meet four days a week for 75-85 minutes.
PE, arts, supported study hall, and other elective courses are offered during the E block. Some options, such as team sports, require a daily commitment. Other classes may be offered in either E1 or E2 for a half credit, allowing students to try a greater variety of electives.
Consistent class meeting times allows for scheduling flexibility.
Work/LIFE, Affinity groups, Activism Teams, and Advisory are given dedicated time in the schedule.
Daily office hours and weekly study halls make time for students to get extra help during the school day.
8:40 a.m. start time aligned with healthy sleep recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics.