Biology: Systems of Life (2 trimesters)
In Biology students examine life from the subcellular to global scales, investigating questions such as: Is biology destiny? How do species impact one another locally and globally? Who should have access to your DNA sequence? Using a combination of authentic data and hypothetical cases, students practice defining problems, developing models, analyzing data, and building well-supported scientific arguments. Lab experiences provide opportunities for students to design their own investigations and communicate their findings. We will also read one text together such as The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks or Lab Girl.
Environmental Chemistry (2 trimesters)
The Environmental Chemistry course introduces students to fundamental chemistry topics including chemical bonding, stoichiometry, gas laws, and acids and bases through the investigation of chemical behavior in soil, air, and water. Through experiments and case studies, students examine topics such as global climate change, the Flint drinking water crisis, and ocean acidification. Throughout the course, emphasis is placed on how chemistry can help us understand environmental issues and how we might use this to design more sustainable solutions.
Applied Physics (2 trimesters)
In this project-based course, students explore fundamental aspects of physics including: forces, gravity, electricity, and magnetism. The focus is on using physics to understand everyday phenomena while simultaneously using hand and power tools, electronic circuits, and digital simulations to build projects that demonstrate the topics under study. Projects could include building and analyzing projectile launchers, and Rube Goldberg machines along with small electronic devices.
Science Electives
Electives for students who wish to pursue science study beyond the required 3 years may include:
Engineering and Design
Anatomy and Physiology
DNA Science
Advanced Chemistry